Sketches, Paintings, Collages and Drawings the artist used to prepare concepts, sets, scenes for his experimental/psychedelic films and music videos. Also included are movie posters and other images for his various dvd and soundtrack releases.
Diptych “Abstract 32 and 33”
“Doves” Still for zoom in for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Earth Spinners” Still for zoom in for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Production Sketch 1” for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Production Sketch 2” for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Production Sketch 3” for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Theory of Obscurity-a Film about The Residents”
Page # of 12 from the ‘Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ book.
Page # of 12 from the ‘Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ book.
Page # of 12 from the ‘Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ book.
Page # of 12 from the ‘Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ book.
Page # of 12 from the ‘Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ book.
Page # of 12 from the ‘Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ book.
Page # of 12 from the ‘Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ book.
“Production Sketch 4” for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Title Frame”
“Production Sketch 5” for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ drying in studio
“Unused Sculptures created for “the Magnificent Pigtail shadow’
“Collection of Production Sketches ” for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Production Sketch and Still” for ‘Suburban Still Life’
sketches for the film ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
sketches for the film ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
sketches for the film ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’
“Production Sketch 6” for ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’ drying in studio
stills from the film ‘The Magnificent Pigtail Shadow’